27 mai 2007


Alithea has her first library card and she can be found most days trying to get into my shoes or Sasha's shoes - there are so many first moments now that she is past one years old past the rolling over the crawling and walking now the details the little moments that are huge like putting her dirty clothes in the proper place or placing the picture of the cow into the space that is the same cow etc - I am sending out thoughts shared embraces and ahhh haaa to Thomai - manifesting big time - where the air is fresh and cleannnnnnnnnn

12 mai 2007

La toute petite araignee

La toute petite araignee
Sur la gouttiere monta
Tomba la pluie
L'araignee degringola
Vint le soleil
toute la pluie secha
Et la toute petite araignee
Sur la gouttiere monta