10 septembre 2007


Fate of ghosts
order surrounding you
with it’s two ends
new skin happens

Seeing takes place
Being seen and my other
you - is here
Formless our us is without nothing

Stranger no longer describes you
you are my now my god
you are all I recognize
you bring forth

Vibration replaces me
I trust nothing more than this moment
I inhale eden’s rebirth
the sound of your teeth’s whiteness

I assign you sandlewood wet hibiscus because I
follow a story you began because I
the shortest story is about losing everything
our skin moves against liquid drying in the wind

We became us - a great gift
Breathed into power of cycle
Sun rises passes over cement and flower

Death is refusing to loose yourself everywhere
Seeing while being seen is god

This poem is dedicated to a beautiful person I saw one day and who saw me back and to all those moments on being seen between "strangers" that makes everything go away and illuminates the now and the possiblilty - in these moments being human is something I am sooo grateful to be

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

is the latinized form of the word/name

and hs something to do with a book and a writer too right?
is this from a cut up?

fork a dit…

title is from Beckett - and only the first stanza is cut-up - I enter on the line new skin happens - oxxoxofork