06 décembre 2008
"fill your pockets up with earth - get yourself a dollar's worth"
Christmas is down the street and up the street and around the corner - little wooden houses lined up to sell the holiday goods - some unique to me others the usual crap candles and gloves and roasted nuts - from my window alone I see a huge tree all decorated with big lights that change colors and enough space between the lights that when the wind blows the lights on the branches wave to you in their sway - late into the night (about til 10pm here) some awful holiday music some of which is great because it is so bad - the folk stuff is always better than the mall music of the world which is all the same - all top 40 just about all American and all at least 25 years old - I just observe - if I want 34th street energy and I never do I go outside and to the left - there are children's rides that go round and round one such ride is so old DATED there is a black as coal man with a turban on a big white eyes positioned as if he is pushing the seat - positioned as magic as servant - I won't be taking any pictures of us riding on the good googly moogly machine - I swear my mouth fell open when I saw it - ever so harmless like white sugar (it's in there) dead relics speak - - the charm comes from these silent old buildings in the old town and the animals - snow days that don't last but a day - so far - calendars with one little gift for the children each day til the big day and it feels not so religious although it is but it lends itself to the magic of holiday - these strange and beautiful and stupid days that can be whatever we want them to be - these tiny breaths and think again days - where choc is allowed a bit and sharing is assumed - most of us live in a space that we decorate and we ritual and we share and feed people - holidays are more of that I guess - I like that Alithea gets a gift a day - one day walnuts another day a ballon and it builds - if you like cozy and cold that is not to cold weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
25 juillet 2008
table is Thomai blue
Our old table from New Orleans - I flung myself on it and inhaled from it's wood - some call it full circle but that is only a moment on the spiral - awake - all moves fast aka flows and some old friends feel so new as we move through life seeing each other - Alithea is good with dogs and loves animals and of course - and teases me with big laughing eyes "You like flesh mommy?" "I do" and she laughs and laughs - I am documenting the move because the pictures of where we have been are all gone only room for life for moving forward

31 mars 2008
18 janvier 2008
self portrait
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